Cosmic Chaos!
- Created custom menu music, custom in-game music, and custom victory screen music
- Added new levels, each different and increasing in difficulty
- Added a boss level, with multiple enemies and a bigger boss with higher health
- Added a bonus level with a maze and different objective: reach specified location
- Added destructible objects, and in the bonus level attributed points when destroyed
- Added a mini-map to each level (except bonus level due to the maze)
- Added two menu screens to guide the player through the game loop
- Added a hidden button to the menu screen that leads directly to bonus level
- Created two scripts to toggle mini-map on/off by modifying borrowed code
- Created a script to make collision with object a "finish line" by modifying borrowed code
Created by Sachiko Robison
Assets provided by Michigan State University
Toggle on/off code provided by Code Monkey via YouTube
Finish Line code provided by Hackingtons via YouTube
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